Saturday, April 3, 2010

Solat Camp

Hari : Sabtu
Tarikh: 3 April 2010
Masa : 8.00 pagi - 12.00 tengah hari

Today, I had to go to school for solat camp.
All muslim pupils from year 1 to 6 participated but still some absent.
I had to facillitate 4 Bestari.
I entered with Li Yett.
I called the pupils one by one by testing them about wuduk.
I asked: What we have to do before praying?.
They answered taking wuduk.
I asked: What do you have to do first?
For washing feet, two pupils answered washing feet until knee.
The actual answer is washing feet until "buku lali".
To me, this was a good experience because this was my second time going to school on Saturday.
Who says a teacher only work from Monday to Friday?
That is totally wrong.
When being a primary school teacher, automatically will be given other subjects which are not our major and minor when learning and studying in teacher's education institute.
This will make the teacher be versatile.
I was so sorry to Zul for waking up late because I slept late last night.
I only had a chance to test all pupils about wuduk and some about surah al-Fatihah because the time was not adequate but as long as I did something about wuduk to them.
Solat camp will be held twice a year.
This penggal 1 once and penggal 2 once.
The more you share, the more you gain.
The most important is before sharing something good to other people, we must have sincere heart without hoping a reward.

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